Our Ministries
St. Stephen's offers plentiful opportunities to get involved in the life of the church and neighboring community. Spiritually enriching activities and groups are available during the school year for all age groups, and there are countless ways to volunteer your time and talent for the life of the church.
Some of our adult formation programs have a very organic form at St. Stephen’s – which is just a way of saying our classes and studies are generally short-term courses led by our clergy and lay people. Our class offerings are announced and advertised in our monthly newsletter, the Guide and at announcement time during worship.
If you are interested in any of the following activities, please contact the church office.
Acolyte Ministry
SEEKING NEW VOLUNTEERS – Typically beginning in the fourth grade and open through adulthood, acolytes assist with many roles in the Eucharist. This is open to both boys and girls. Some of the duties include: Crucifer (the person who carries the cross and leads the procession), Torch Bearers, and Server (person who assists the priest in setting up Holy Communion).
If you have a gift for reading scripture, this ministry is for you! Scheduled on a rotating basis, the lector reads the Old and New Testament readings, as well as leads the congregation in the Psalm.
These volunteers also lead the congregation in the spoken prayers of the people during the Sunday worship services.
Altar Guild
SEEKING NEW VOLUNTEERS – This guild works closely with the Rector and Deacon. Their main task is to set and care for the Altar and all its appointments (linens, candles, trapping, etc). Twice a year (Easter and Christmas) they host two cleaning events to see that our many beautiful memorials and items are kept gleaming and clean. The Altar Guild sees that the altar is set for every service at the church. Altar Guild is scheduled on a rotating basis.
The Ushers play a vital role in our worship. General duties include: distributing the service leaflet, tallying the attendance, assisting parishioners (as needed) into the worship space, taking up the offering, and preparing the brass rails for Holy Communion, as well as directing the flow of traffic during Communion.
Chalice Bearers
Chalice Bearers assist in the distribution of Holy Communion. This ministry requires a brief training which will result in securing a license. Chalice Bearers are scheduled on a rotating basis.
Members of St. Stephen's in good standing can run for Vestry--the principal body for conducting the affairs of the church--in January every year. Their are various other committees and opportunities to lend your talents both inside and outside the church's walls, such as at Habitat for Humanity build sites from time to time.